The beginning of the Holiday Season prompted us to make use of some of the lobby space in our salon. What we chose to do was to develop our new Koala Tree Gift section.
We have a very nice assortment of the latest Professional Hot Tools Hair Dryers and Flat Irons, we have a selection of Ed Hardy professional hair tools as well. Many people are not certain to the difference between professional hair tools and those that are found in general merchandise stores, so let me give you a couple of the many differences, a Stylist (professional) will likely use a hair dryer or styling tool all day every day of their work week. For that reason the professional tool must last to that kind of use. The average home use is maybe 15 minutes a day.
When a professional unit is manufactured it has to be created with a motor that will last for a long time the average is on the upside of 1000 hours. Retail versions maybe a 100 hours. Drying time is a big difference in the different ones as well, faster drying means more money the stylist can make, for home use faster drying would cut down the amount of time it takes you to get ready for work or play. Well then there is how it feels to the stylist, lightweight is important for constant use. Ergonomics come into play as well. If you have never used a profession tool for hair styling you are in for a real treat when you get one of these for yourself.
We have a showcase full of Gift Bags and Baskets perfect for Christmas Gift Giving. These are Gifts that a Tanner or a non-Tanner will certainly enjoy. We have them packaged ready to give.
Well stop buy when you get a chance and look around you will be suprised at all that is there and then watch as we add more.
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