The woman, 20 year old Michelle Gonzalez, went through several misdiagnosis of her daughter's lack of movement before a doctor finally took an x-ray. "After the x-ray though, my whole life flipped completely upside down. My husband and I were informed that my daughter had multiple fractures throughout her body and that her spine was also fractured which was the cause of her loss of movement in her arms. I just about fained when they told me this." Gonzalez wrote in a letter to to the Vitamin D Council. "They then informed me that they had to report it to child protection, which I fully understood and in my heart I knew they would figure out that this was not abuse but something more. But I was wrong."
"After being at the hospital for almost two weeks, the police and a couple social workeres came to tell us that we had to leave the hospital immediately and that if we came back or even called we would be arrested. That was July 28th, the day she turned three months and the last time I ever saw my daughter."
The Vitamin D Council is fighting to get authorities to realize that vitamin D deficiency-caused rickets cases are not child abuse - claiming that Gonzalez is not alone and that many other cases of child hood fractures are being misdiagnosed.
You might wonder why I would post this information on a tanning site but it is quite simple. Everyone needs ample amounts of vitamin D. Most people are deficient in Vitamin D and especially in this area of the country. Exposure to UV B light helps you body produce the much needed vitamin d it needs to maintain good health. As you know it this climate there is not enough sunlight exposure to solve deficiency and when most go out in the sun the excessive use of sunscreen that blocks exposure to suns rays happens.
20 minutes in a tanning bed is equal to two hours in the sun thus giving you some of the much needed vitamin d.
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