Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Looking Back Over 2011
We remodeled a nice section of the salon and added four very talented Hair Stylists to serve you, our customers. After all nobody wants to trust their hair styling and color to just anyone and we are well aware of that so in order for us to be sure you will be happy we found some of the very best.
OK I know that each of you probably has someone that takes care of your hair now and I can just imagine you sitting their saying, not a chance I am going to change. Oh I get that but sometimes change is good, sometimes making a change from one stylist to another can give you a whole new outlook on life. A new you if you will.
Well just remember we have top notch stylists that are waiting to serve you. Even if you do not want to make a change stop by and meet them, ask them what they think they could do for your style. You will be pleasantly surprised I am very sure.
In addition to remodeling and adding great talent in our hair salon we have added a lot of hair products and in case you have not noticed we are pricing everything with you in mind. Well we all know that the economy is difficult right now and that saving money means a lot. Well check out our prices and our growing selection. You will love the prices, the selection and the very friendly no pressure shopping. We care about our customers. Come see for yourself.
We continued with our lotion of the week specials, special sales and of course our low prices. Remember we try to keep tanning affordable for everyone. It is the lamps that make the difference and we change ours more often.
Hope you had a fantastic Christmas and had an opportunity to enjoy the free tanning we presented as a way to thank you for tanning with us.
We are open on New Years Day and are having a special on our year package so if you get a chance stop by and join us.
I want to thank you for your continued business and the opportunity to serve you with the best in Tanning, Hair and Nails. I hope you have a fantastic NEW YEAR.
Happy Tanning
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Vitamin D may be answer to avoiding flu
"Flu season is just about upon the U.S., and this means that many people will soon start coming down with infections. However, a vitamin D test may help individuals prepare for the season and understand if they need to do more to boost their immune system," This reported in PrivateMDlabs.coms recent newsletter. "A 2005 study published in the FASEB Journal showed that vitamin D plays a crucial role in the production of certain types of white blood cells that are needed for fighting off infections. A deficiency of the nutrient may leave individuals short on these important molecules."
"That is why vitamin D testing is so important, it can give individuals a sense of how well their immune system is functioning. Low levels of the nutrient may indicate a susceptibility to infections. Higher levels could mean individuals are less likely to come down with a cold or the flu"
Other groups, including the non-profit vitamin D council, promote the sunshine vitamin as a key to reducing the risk of autoimmune diseases, influenza.
Exposure to UV light is known to increase levels of vitamin D the sunshine vitamin.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Beauty, Beauty Products and Tanning at the Original Tan Down Under
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
New additions to the TAN DOWN UNDER Team
doing hair in our newly redecorated Hair Salon located inside of the salon.
JoAnn Rees and Dawn Dammann will be adding a new level of service to Tan Down Under. Both of these
stylists have many years of experience which they will be bringing with them. They offer a full range of
Hair Services.
If you have any questions feel free to call and talk to either of them directly or to schedule an appointment: For JoAnn it is 503-307-1075 and for Dawn it is 971-404-4063.
Remember Tan Down Under is open 7 days a week at 2231 NE Burnside in Gresham. If you want to schedule a tanning session call us at 503-465-0830.
See you soon and Happy Tanning
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Tanning Facts and information
Something that was published a few months ago in Island Sun Times cited a few important facts that I would like to share with you:
Fact #1: If regular sun exposure could prevent cancer, why do we always hear only the opposite?
Evidence: The almighty dollar. Fear of the sun, scaring people about wrinkles and skin cancer, is a multi-billion-dollar industry led by huge special interests groups who not only conduct most of the research on this topic but also promote it. Lobbyists for pharmaceutical firms that sell billions of dollars of sunscreens and anti-sun cosmetics have teamed with the dermatology industry to promote a misinformed campaign of sun abstinence. Conversely, there is no major industry except the indoor tanning industry that could make money by promoting the positive effects of sunshine. And the indoor tanning industry consists of smaller companies that do not match the marketing saturation of the multi-billion dollar "sun-scare coalition." The idea that people need to control their sun exposure is valid, but sun-scare lobbyists have taken that message too far.
Fact #2: Indoor tanning is helping to reduce the incidence of sunburn.
Evidence: It's true. One industry study has shown that indoor tanners, are 81 percent less likely to sunburn indoors or outside than non-tanners. That's because tanning salons are playing a lead role in educating people that moderate tanning is okay and sunburn should be avoided. The impractical message of sun abstinence promoted by the "sun-scare coalition" is totally ineffective, people are not going to hide from sunshine. Indeed, the American Academy of Dermatology reported in 1997 that sunburn incidence has increased nine percent in the past 10 years, despite all-out efforts of sun-scare industries to warn people about the dangers of overexposure. In that same time period, sunburn incidence among indoor tanners has declined. It is the non-tanners who are doing most of the burning. Given that reality, teaching people who can tan the principles of smart tanning is most practical.
Fact #3: Sun exposure could actually help prevent cancer.
Evidence: It's true. Studies indicating that this relationship exists need to be considered. Many different researchers have shown that regular moderate sun exposure may play a role in preventing several kinds of cancers, including colon and breast cancers, which claim hundreds of thousands of lives annually. Several studies have shown that Vitamin D, whose only reliable source for humans comes from sunshine, may play a role in retarding or arresting pre-cancerous cells in the body from reproducing. Indeed, we have known for decades that overall cancer rates are significantly higher in sun-deprived parts of the world.
A twenty minute tanning session makes you feel better and does help increase energy levels. So why not give yourself a twenty minute vacation in you busy day and come tanning.
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Exciting times at the Original Tan Down Under
Over the years we have always had a lot of hair products in the salon for you to purchase and as soon as our remodeling is complete you will see a lot more. We removed some to make room for remodeling but within a week or so the new floor will be in and you will see our selection of hair products growing. Our goal is to be able to offer you a great selection. In the past we featured a lot of Nexxus and of course they changed their marketing strategy so we changed to, we always kept a good selection of Paul Mitchell products including their hair tools. As for now though we plan on bringing in the products you want from the suppliers that will work best with us. So watch and you will see what we are building, you will see it soon and I am sure you will love the selection of the very best hair and nail products available.
Something I am most excited about and it is a little soon to release names but I have agreements with several of the Gresham areas finest stylists, all of them outstanding, well known with a true following of long time customers which means to you that they are top notch and someone that you will feel comfortable with doing your hair or nails.
Well enough for now but within a couple of weeks the salon will be done and rolling strong once again, keep watching.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Study shows UV Vitamin D Reduces Risk of Cancer
The scientists state that regular sun exposure and a vitamin D-rich diet reduce the risk of developing breast cancer by around 32 to 43 percent. They also surmise that the deciding factor in prevention is exposure to adequate UVB rays. Admittedly, food that is rich in vitamin D, such as fish, dairy products, eggs and certain types of oils or food supplements, can boost the effects of the sun, but used alone, researchers believe they have little effect on the occurrence or progression of the disease.
According to the Sunlight Research Forum, in this study, scientists observed approximately 70,000 women during a period of 10 years. In this time, 2,871 cases of breast cancer were diagnosed. According to the study, women who live in sunny regions such as Provence and who eat a vitamin D-rich diet have a far lower risk of developing breast cancer than women who have less sun exposure, who live in cloudier areas and who ingest less vitamin D through their food or food supplements.
The conclusion of the research group is: “A high dose of vitamin D via exposure to sunlight and nutrition is necessary in order to obtain a sufficient protective effect against breast cancer. However, this value is very difficult for women to achieve in northern countries as the sunlight in these regions is not strong enough to ensure a sufficient supply of vitamin D.” Furthermore, the scientists explain, following the time of menopause, it is far more difficult to achieve the protective effect from the combination of sun and a vitamin-D rich diet.
Remember that tanning for twenty minutes ina taning bed is equal to 2 hours in the sun. Take time to go tanning, it works.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Clinical Study on Vitamin D Reducing Breast Cancer
"The results of the experiment , conducted at the Georgetown University Medical Center in Washington and released this week at the annual meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research, bolster the striking finding from the field of human epidemiology that women with low levels of vitamin D tend to have a higher risk of breast cancer, while those with more of the sunshine vitamin get less of the cancer," The Toronto Globe and Mail's Martin Mittelstaedt reported recently. "The new study found that mice with mammary cancers sensitive to estrogen, the most common type in women, had a twofold reduction in tumour incidence and a fourfold reduction the growth of their cancers if given vitamin D."
More than a dozen case-control studies have already suggested that low vitamin D levels are strongly connected with higher breast cancer risk. Lab studies have shown how the active form of vitamin D can inhibit the growth and spread of cancer cells. But this clinical study adds further weight to the argument.
According to the Globe and Mail, "Two major human trials are currently underway in the US. One at Creighton University in Omaha, the other a combined effort at Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston - using higher doses of vitamin D. The trials may be able to shed more light on its use as a possible cancer treatment and appropriate doses, although it is expected to be years before either reports results."
Friday, June 17, 2011
New Study Shows Less Cancer with More Sun
Researchers at the University of Oxford in England, the University of Oslo in Norway, The Karolinska Institute in Sweden and the Harvard School of Public Health in the United States published the study online recently in the peer reviewed journal Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention. The study shows that women who spent more than one week per year on sunbathing vacations between ages 10-29 had a 30 percent lower overall risk of any internal cancer and 44 percent fewer breast cancers compared to non-tanning women.
"UV exposure earlier in life was related to reduced overall and breast cancer risk," the authors reported. "Further research is needed to define the amount of solar or artificial UV exposure that many, or may not, be beneficial for cancer prevention."
While the data did not suggest that cumulative UV exposure was protective, the authors believe that the vitamin D pathway inherent with UV exposure is the likely mechanism responsible for cancer risk reduction for those who sought sunlight or sunbeds.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Beach Princess is the new lotion of the week

This week Brown Sugar Beach Princess was chosen to be our lotion of the week and to give you a great opportunity to own this excellent Tanning Lotion we reduced the price to just $25.00 for the week.
Other things are happing as well. If you read the monthly flyer I am sure you saw the UV Free Spray Booth special we are offering that is a sweet deal and from that double session you will see phenominal color, so give that a try.
In addition this weekend we have another big three day special on our very popular 11 Tans for $19.99 again that is another great offer.
Remember take time for yourself and go tanning. It is like a 20 minute vacation in your busy day.
Happy Tanning
Monday, May 9, 2011
Black Sugar is the Lotion of the Week

Black Sugar has an excellent fragrance and silky smooth feel when applying prior to tanning. The fragrance is a very nice Pomegranate Mango with Starfruit and Water Lilly.
Remember the name Black Sugar, it is our Lotion of the Week with a very low special price of just $20.
If you want good results from your tanning session this is a lotion that could help you.
Be sure to take time for yourself. Going tanning can make you feel like a new person.
Happy Tanning
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
New Lotion From Skincare by Hoss

It is new and it is exciting! We have had many enquiries for a long time asking when we were going to come out with a lotion with more tingle than any we have produced before. We had been promising a new state of the art tingle lotion like nothing else on the market. We have spent well over a year in research and development putting together what we wanted to bring to you.
It has happened, we were finally satisfied that we had was what you were looking for and wanted, it was a new generation of tingle lotion like we had promised to come out with for a long time, SONS OF OUTLAW is here it has been released and comments have been excellent with reviews touting the great results that are being seen after first use. We believe this could easily become our most popular Tingle Tanning Lotion of all time.
SONS OF OUTLAW is the name and results are the game. Boy that sounds good doesn’t it? Well it is true as we went through the testing process developing this fantastic lotion we watched individuals go from a fair tan to dark tan in one use, it is that good. Then repeated use found that dark tan getting darker and richer looking with each useage.
This is more than just a lotion with a little tingle it is a very high quality skincare product that happens to be a tanning lotion. A great deal of time was spent in developing this dynamic lotion. Special attention went into making this product one that will not only leave your skin feeling great and looking younger and more vibrant.
We formulated this lotion with great care, it has a blend of anti-oxidants to help diminish free radical damage, vitamins and minerals add more to the quest of having soft smooth and properly hydrated skin. Our special blend of tingle and aloe help stimulate the collagen allowing for to more healthy skin which can lead to younger looking more vibrant skin.
We have Sons Of Outlaw as our lotion of the week this week in the store. It is a strong tingle product that will get results fast. You will love the results and fragrance.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Rickets...Vitamin D Deficiency
The woman, 20 year old Michelle Gonzalez, went through several misdiagnosis of her daughter's lack of movement before a doctor finally took an x-ray. "After the x-ray though, my whole life flipped completely upside down. My husband and I were informed that my daughter had multiple fractures throughout her body and that her spine was also fractured which was the cause of her loss of movement in her arms. I just about fained when they told me this." Gonzalez wrote in a letter to to the Vitamin D Council. "They then informed me that they had to report it to child protection, which I fully understood and in my heart I knew they would figure out that this was not abuse but something more. But I was wrong."
"After being at the hospital for almost two weeks, the police and a couple social workeres came to tell us that we had to leave the hospital immediately and that if we came back or even called we would be arrested. That was July 28th, the day she turned three months and the last time I ever saw my daughter."
The Vitamin D Council is fighting to get authorities to realize that vitamin D deficiency-caused rickets cases are not child abuse - claiming that Gonzalez is not alone and that many other cases of child hood fractures are being misdiagnosed.
You might wonder why I would post this information on a tanning site but it is quite simple. Everyone needs ample amounts of vitamin D. Most people are deficient in Vitamin D and especially in this area of the country. Exposure to UV B light helps you body produce the much needed vitamin d it needs to maintain good health. As you know it this climate there is not enough sunlight exposure to solve deficiency and when most go out in the sun the excessive use of sunscreen that blocks exposure to suns rays happens.
20 minutes in a tanning bed is equal to two hours in the sun thus giving you some of the much needed vitamin d.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Try a UV Free Spray Tan Today
Yes, a fast tan that looks real, no orange look. We pride ourselves in the quality of spray tan we deliver. We use the best equipment and the solution that is applied is by far the very best in the industry. Have you thought about trying a spray tan?
It is simple and very quick. When you arrive at our salon you check in and then if you are new to the process you will view a short dvd that will explain everything to you and how to get the most out of your session.
One thing I always like to make everyone aware of and that is to not apply lotion to yourself before coming to use the spray as it tends to keep the UV Spray from reaching your skin properly.
People ask if they can use a tanning bed either before or after the spray session. Of course you can but if it is right before do not use a lotion.
Now our spray unit takes roughly a minute to complete the process, that is after you are in the unit and ready. The spray is in the form of a fog, then you are gently air dried and and the process is complete. The whole process is very nice and the results are phenominal so why not come on by and try a UV Free spray tan real soon. The cost for a session is just $19.95.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Tanning Season is in Full Swing
Monday, February 28, 2011
More about negative publicity about Tanning
call the politics of it.
The different entities have a problem trying to regulate the sun but a different story for the indoor tanning industry, so we get to hear negatives that do not address all of the positive advantages to UV exposure.
The lotion companies that sell SPF are huge compared to our Tanning Industry. With that in mind rest assured they focus on advertising dollars on the big name magazines and papers and when they do so they are also in a position to demand press releases touting only tan with SPF be printed. Those magazines, newspapers and some of the visual media are glad to jump through hoops for millions in revenue. That gives you half truths and false information, sad but true.
In addition think about something else and where other negative publicity tends to come from and that would be the cosmetic dermatolgy group. Any scare tactics or press releases will drive alot of dollars (oops customers) to their offices. OH yes and for those of you who dont know they do what they call phototherapy sessions, which utilizes indoor tanning equipment in the dermatolgists office. At an average cost of $100 per session.
Back in 1993 873,000 such phototherapy sessions were delivered in dermatology offices in the US by 1998 as the popularity of the indoor tanning industry grew those phototherapy sessions in the dermatology offices fell off by 94%. One of the main uses for these phototherapy sessions was to treat psoriasis.
Now if you put all that into perspective if tanning salons were closed, the cosmetic dermatology industry could gain up to $5 billion in phototherapy sessions which would be charged to health insurance companies and the Medicare system.
When I mentioned politics I meant it. Think about the tan tax. Nobody likes it but we have to collect it. That started out to be tax against the clinics selling botox and some of the cosmetic surgery procedures. I am reasonably sure that originally it was going to be 3% tax to them which would have brought in a lot more money than the 10% tax they levied on Tanning Salons and Tanning bed use. That cosmetic surgery group or groups had the money to convince politicians to not charge them but instead to tax the Tanning Industry under the Obamacare plan.
So when you hear or see negative publicity about Tanning, Tanning in Tanning Beds etc. do some research you will be amazed at the documentation you will find.
Remember it is not good to burn so listen to the tanning consultants and adjust your time as to keep from burning. When you are outside as the weather gets nicer or you travel, use an spf. Also think about the fact that your skin tanning is your bodies natural way to keep you from bruning. Use good skin care products to keep your skin hydrated properly, quality tanning products and one of our excellent moisturizers with tan extending capabilites will help you.
Happy Tanning
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Hair Stylist Added to Tan Down Under Team
We wanted to give our Tanners more to simplify their lives and by having a hair stylist on staff and her keeping regular hours in the salon will certainly allow many of our tanners to streamline their schedules. Now it is simple to book an appointment to go tanning and book a hair appointment near the same time as well.
Our new stylist, Debbie Steward comes to us with a lot of great experience in her chosen field. She does cuts, color, highlights and perms just to mention a few. Even if you do not need any work done, next time you are in why not say hello and get to know her.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Reseach Shows Increased UV Light Exposure and Male Libido
As you know we have a real interest in keeping our Tanners informed with much of the information available both about tanning and about vitamin D because it is so relative to Tanning.
According to If you needed any more reasons to pursue a UV vitamin D boost, news out of Austria may do the trick. Research that appeared in Clinical Endocrinology indicates a connection between increased UV light exposure and male libido.
Based on the research, a representative from the Sunlight Research Forum suggests that men with proper vitamin D levels tested with favorable amounts of testosterone. Several thousand men participated in the study, which noted correlations between fluctuating vitamin D and testosterone levels through a designated time period. When vitamin D was elevated, so was testosterone – as well as the inverse relationship.
The source article mentions some researchers’ recommendations for daily UV light exposure in order for the body to help produce vitamin D; the necessary time varies based on skin tone. It’s noted that the body can complete the vitamin D stimulation process long before any adverse result such as a sunburn would occur.
According to Cancer Research UK’s Jessica Harris, “Enjoying the sun safely while taking care not to burn should help people strike a balance between making enough vitamin D and avoiding a higher risk of skin cancer.”
Also mentioned are: the reported widespread health benefits of vitamin D, the increase in vitamin D deficiency worldwide, and the problems sunscreen causes in prohibiting vitamin D production.
Thank you and Happy Tanning
Thursday, February 3, 2011
How Much Vitamin D Do You Need?
Currently, there’s scientific debate about how much vitamin D people need each day. The Institute of Medicine, in a long-awaited report released on November 30, 2010 recommends tripling the daily vitamin D intake for children and adults in the U.S. and Canada, to 600 IU per day. The report also recognized the safety of vitamin D by increasing the upper limit from 2,000 to 4,000 IU per day, and acknowledged that even at 4,000 IU per day, there was no good evidence of harm. The new guidelines, however, are overly conservative about the recommended intake, and they do not give enough weight to some of the latest science on vitamin D and health. For bone health and chronic disease prevention, many people are likely to need more vitamin D than even these new government guidelines recommend.
The Institute of Medicine's new recommended daily intake of vitamin D is 600 IU for people ages 1 to 70, and 800 IU after age 70. Yet this recommendation is overly conservative, since strong evidence shows optimal intakes are higher, at least 1,000–2,000 IU for those over age 2.
The new guidelines from the IOM (Institute of Medicine) note that in children over the age of 9 and in adults, taking up to 4,000 IU per day as a supplement is safe. For children ages 4 to 8, up to 3,000 IU per day is considered safe, and for children ages 1 to 3, 2,500 IU; in older infants (6 to 12 months), up to 1,500 IU per day is considered safe, and in young infants (0 to 6 months), up to 1,000 IU.
Most people find that taking supplements is their easiest way to get Vitamin D. However studies show that most multivitamins (400 IU) is to low. However some of the maufacturers have started adding 800 or 1,000 IU of vitamin D to the mulitvitamins now.
Getting more exposure to UVB rays of light, the rays that trigger the skin to produce vitamin D are of course stronger near the equator and weaker at higher latitudes. So in the fall and winter, people who live at higher latitudes can't make much if any vitamin D from the sun.
That means that in order to get enough UVB exposure it would likely be done indoors in a tanning unit. Remember 20 minutes in a tanning unit is equal to 2 hours in the sun.
Vitamin D is needed
"My guesstimation is that $4 trillion of health costs could be averted over a decade if adequate food fortification and/or supplemntation programs were to be implemented, which would save Americans $1,300 per person per year or $3,900 per family of three annually. These savings won't be achieved now that the Food and Nutrition Board has only taken baby steps to remedy a widespread deficiency in sun-deprived population." This a quote form Dr. Bill Sardi, vitamin D and sunshine advocate, from a statement to the Vitamin D Council.
Simply put so much of our country, especially in climates like this one is deficient in Vitamin D. Getting Vitamin D to off set your bodies deficiency can be done in various ways. The first and what is known to be the best way is UV exposure, then there are supplements and of course eating more Vitamin D rich foods such as Salmon.
As tanners you are tanning in UV light which is a copy of the natural sun rays that are needed to develope the need vitamin D. Tanning for 20 minutes in a tanning bed is equal to two hours in the sun.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Having A Tan Determined To Be Sexier is a web site that allows users to rate the attractiveness of people who have posted their photos on that site.
Researchers used 45 women, aged 21 to 35. Each woman had a digital photo taken of them and placed on hotornot. After at least 100 ratings, the photo was touched up using Photoshop to make the woman look tanner and then the photo was placed back on the site so it could be rated again.
When the study concluded with 30 of the 45 individuals improving their attractiveness score after their photo had been changed. 12 of the 30 women had improved their attractiveness rating by a significant amount. Only 2 out of the 15 women, who scored lower with the tanned photo had a significant rating decrease. This means that 27 percent of people experienced a significant ratings boost with tanned skin, while only 4 percent saw substantial ratings drop.
Why is tanned skin almost always more appealing? Very likely it is because tanned skin appears to be a healthier and more vibrant helping define sex appeal.
So this is more proof that being tan gets more attention and is more appealing.